Title I

Title I is a federal program that provides schools additional funding and is designed to help students meet the academic standards. The Fannett-Metal Elementary School operates a Title I schoolwide program, which allows the school to use the Title I money to pay for educational programs that support the entire school. In addition, a schoolwide program allows Title I staff to serve all students as needed and allows for greater flexibility among staff and resources. A schoolwide program also provides parents opportunities to gain access to resources and materials that support student learning.


As part of this federal funded program, the Fannett-Metal Elementary School is charged with the responsibility of letting parents know that they have a right to give the school input on the best way to spend these funds to serve our students. We hold an annual parent involvement meeting in the fall to share with parents how Title I works and how parents can be involved in the planning process. If you ever have any questions or have input for us concerning our federal funds, please contact Mrs. Shoemaker at 717-349-2513.


Thanks for making Fannett-Metal a place where parents are involved in the educational process. We appreciate your support!

Home and School Involvement Compact

Title I Parent and Family Engagment Policy