Special Education
The Fannett-Metal School District is committed to setting high expectations and providing needed supports for all exceptional students in the school district.
Within the State of Pennsylvania a student must be evaluated and found to need and be eligible for special education services. Through a multi-disciplinary team of parents, teachers, the schools psychologist and others who interact with the student information is gathered, assessments administered and interpreted, and a determination made as to a student’s eligibility and need for specially designed instruction. Specific criteria must be met before a student can be determined to have special needs.
Special Education supports and services at Fannett-Metal include the full continuum of programs for all identified students either on campus directly or through collaboration with Lincoln Intermediate Unit No. 12. Programming is available for the following disabilities: Specific Learning Disability, Autism, Deafness/Hearing Impaired, Emotional Disturbance, Intellectually Disability, Multiple Disability, Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impaired, Speech/Language Impaired, Traumatic Brain Injured and Visual Impairment including Blindness. Related services are also available to identified special education students including Transportation, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Orientation and Mobility and Psychological Services.
A student with an identified disability who is also found to need specially designed instruction (SDI) will have their instruction prescribed through an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP is reviewed at least yearly and periodic re-evaluations are conducted to determine continued eligibility and need for specially designed instruction.
Although a parent may request an evaluation for special education services at any time the Instructional Support Team is available to any regular education student who is experiencing academic or behavioral difficulty. This team develops regular education interventions and supports prior to recommending evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services. A parent may refer their child to the IST by calling their child’s building principal.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires Pennsylvania to ensure that the total number of students assessed in each subject using the PASA does not exceed one percent of the total number of all students in the state assessed on the statewide assessments. Each local educational agency (LEA) must complete and submit the PASA 1.0 Percent Participation Threshold Justification to BSE if it anticipates that more than 1.0 % of its students enrolled in grades 3-8 and 11 will be assessed using the PASA. A list of LEAs who anticipate exceeding the threshold will be made publicly available on the PDE website, in accordance with 34 CFR 200.6 (c)(3) regulations. LEAs must also make the document publicly available upon request, removing any personally identifiable information. The Fannett-Metal School District anticipates exceeding the 1.0 percent threshold for PASA participation for the 2019-20 testing cycle. The necessary justification information has been submitted to the Bureau of Special Education.
Additional Information:
Special Education Annual Public Notice
Special Education Annual Public Notice – Spanish
Identification of School Age Students
Notice Of Destruction of Special Education Records
ConsultLine is a toll-free information help line for parents and advocates of children with disabilities who have questions or concerns about the education of a school-aged child.
The Office for Dispute Resolution administers the mediation and due process systems statewide, and provides training and services regarding alternative dispute resolution methods.
For additional information regarding participation rates, or any topic related to special education and services in the Fannett-Metal School District, contact Mrs. Teresa Black, Director of Special Education and Student Support Services, at 717-349-3087.