Student/Parent Forms
One Call Now Form
Dental Exam Form
Doctor’s Excuse Form
Educational Trip Form
Health Information Form
Doctor’s Medication Order Form
Internet Agreement
Student Registration Forms
Student Emergency Contact Form
Elementary School
Home and School Involvement Compact
Volunteers As always, the Fannett-Metal School District needs the support of all parents. If you would like to help, please call your child’s building principal or your child’s teacher to make arrangements to volunteer in the school. All volunteers must have current clearances to include: Child Abuse Clearance (Act 151), Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check (Act 34) and the Federal Criminal History Background Check (Act 114/FBI Fingerprint — FOR A FEE). The Federal Check could be waived if the volunteer completes the required form verifying that the volunteer has continuously resided in PA for 10 years and swears in writing that he/she has never been convicted of a disqualifying crime in PA. Please be certain to check in at the office and sign the Volunteer Log when you come to join us for an activity. Possible areas of help needed include; library helpers, classroom tutoring, PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization), field trip chaperones and/or any other specific talents or interests as needed.
PA Child Abuse
PA State Police Check
FBI Waiver
Middle/High School
Community Service Verification Form
College/Career Fair Reflection Form
Job Shadow Reflection Form
Post-Secondary Visit Reflection Form
Work Permit