Second Grade Phonics Lesson                                                                          


During guided reading, Mrs. Rotz’s second graders have been working on a phonics program from the 95% Group, Inc. The phonics lesson is from 95%’s basic Phonics Lesson Library. This week’s skill was the long a, silent-e syllable type. There are 5 days of lessons in each Phonics Lesson Library lesson which takes 10-14 days to work on mastery of the skill.

There are a variety of lessons which include identifying the pattern by hearing it, seeing it, and in writing it correctly.

The photos below show the students sorting words by syllable type, closed (short a) or silent-e (long a). The students are to point to the vowel (one vowel followed by a consonant is a closed syllable and has a short vowel sound), or vowels (one vowel followed by a consonant and a final silent-e is a silent-e syllable and has a long vowel sound). Once the student identifies the syllable type, they move it below the correct header and then say the word. For extra reading practice, the students will then reread each list of words.