Flexible Instructional Day (FID)


Fannett-Metal School District has now exhausted the snow make-up days we have built into the 2024-2025 school calendar.  In the event there are future school closures due to weather or an emergency, we will be switching to remote learning.

The One Now call will state that we are using a FID / remote learning day.

Grades K-5

  • For students in grades K-5, packets should have been sent home.  Students are expected to complete assignments for classes that would normally meet on the FID.  Students in grades K-5 will bring the work to school the day following the FID to receive credit. Students should only do one packet per FID day in the order assigned by the teacher.
  • Teachers will be available by email or phone to assist students with any assignments.

Grades 6-12

  • Students should take their laptops home in case of inclement weather.
  • Students in grades 6 -12 will utilize Schoology.  Teachers will have activities and assignments posted to their Schoology platform by 9 am on the FID.
  • Students will post to their Schoology homeroom page for attendance.  Students without internet must leave a message at 717-349-3073.
  • Teachers will be available by email or phone to assist students with any assignments.
  • Students will submit work through their Schoology account or via email to their teacher.

Special Education

  • For students who receive special education related services (OT, PT, Speech), those staff members will offer teletherapy if possible.  If this is not possible, they will be responsible for making up any missed therapy sessions.
  • All Special Education support will remain available via email, Zoom or by phone to students.
  • Special education teachers and paraprofessionals will be available to assist students with specially designed instruction and accommodations. They can be reached via email or by Zoom meetings.

Teachers, principals, counselors, and nurses will be available for assistance via email/voicemail from 9 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 3 pm.  Per PDE guidelines, students must participate in the FID activities on the actual FID Day. Students who do not participate will be marked as ‘absent’. Students who do not participate in the FID and do not provide an attendance excuse within three days will be noted with an unexcused absence for that day. In the event a student is ill and unable to participate in the FID, the parent/guardian may call and leave a voicemail for the building secretary, indicating the child is off that day so the day will not be marked as an unexcused absence.

  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me or your building principal.

Tara Will


14823 Path Valley Road

P.O. Box 91

Willow Hill, PA 17271

(717) 349-3011